Dr. Eric Westman
Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

What if you could reverse type 2 diabetes just by changing what you eat?
You can!
Reverse Type 2 Diabetes is a transformational and proven program to help you achieve normal blood sugar and be free of type 2 diabetes – without medication.
We’ll notify you the moment we open the doors.
Type 2 diabetes is optional…
you don’t have to have it!
Type 2 diabetes is NOT a progressive and irreversible condition. You can reverse your type 2 diabetes.
You can achieve normal blood sugar levels and a normal HbA1c… while using less medication or more likely eliminating medication entirely.
If you’re ready to learn a research-proven method that’s helped thousands of people lose weight, normalize blood sugar, and get off medication, then Reverse Type 2 Diabetes is the roadmap you need to get results and bid farewell to diabetes permanently.
By the End of This Program, You’ll Know:
How to Restore Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
Medications and insulin injections lower blood sugar but they don’t make diabetes better. You’ll understand why lowering blood sugar with drugs doesn’t address the underlying problem causing type 2 diabetes – and you’ll learn a straightforward, clinically proven approach that does.
How to Implement a Ketogenic Diet Safely & Simply
When done the right way, keto is uncomplicated, inexpensive, and enjoyable. The method you’ll learn in this course has been used in medical clinics for over fifty years and is backed by clinical research.
How to Adjust Medications Safely When Needed
Reducing or eliminating medications is one of the best reasons for following a keto diet! You’ll learn how to adjust your medication safely so you can avoid adverse effects as your blood sugar and blood pressure begin to improve naturally.
How to Maintain Type 2 Diabetes Reversal Long-Term
You’ll learn how to monitor your progress over time, how to navigate travel, special events and social situations, and how to get back on track if you slip. You will be able to incorporate this program seamlessly into your life so you can bid farewell to diabetes permanently.
What’s Inside The Course?

- The course itself: 20 pre-recorded video lessons with Dr. Westman, teaching you everything you need to know in order to reverse your type 2 diabetes permanently.
- 3 LIVE Zoom sessions with Dr. Westman for course review and interactive Q & A.
- 2 LIVE Zoom Sessions with keto nutritionist Amy Berger for interactive Q & A.
- Ketogenic food list – Dr. Westman’s famous “Page 4” food list – so you’ll know exactly what to eat and what to avoid.
- A complete library of downloadable PDF resources to support your learning.
- Tips for navigating “keto adaptation”.
- Resources for finding keto-friendly medical professionals.
- Complete transcripts of all video lessons.
- Lifetime access to your course.
Course Curriculum
This module provides a broad overview of type 2 diabetes, including how the current treatment paradigm came about – and why it is so misguided. You will also learn about the history of diabetes and how outdated and incorrect thinking continues to permeate the medical approach to treating it – and why this is failing patients.
In this module, you will learn the fundamentals of blood sugar control, including which organs play the biggest roles in regulating blood sugar, how the foods and beverages you consume affect blood sugar, and the influence of non-dietary factors (e.g., stress, sleep, physical activity). This module also explores blood glucose testing, including traditional methods plus the newer continuous glucose monitors (CGMs).
This module is a deep-dive into the most commonly prescribed diabetes medications and why they fail to address the fundamental underlying metabolic dysregulation in the condition. But it doesn’t have to be this way – you will learn the logical rationale for reducing dietary carbohydrate and why this is far more effective than medications for improving blood sugar control.
In this module, you will learn exactly what to eat and what to avoid in order to reverse type 2 diabetes. Dr. Westman teaches you the very same food list he’s used with patients for twenty-five years – no counting macros, no fasting, no need to weigh or measure food … just stick to the list! You’ll also get guidance on how to adjust your medications safely as your blood sugar, blood pressure, and other issues improve.
This module will equip you with actionable tips and mindset strategies to set yourself up for success right from the start. You’ll learn a realistic timeline for what you can expect as your health improves and you begin to reverse your diabetes. You will also learn the most important lab tests to monitor so you’ll have clear evidence of the substantial improvements you’re achieving.
About Your Teacher
Dr. Eric Westman is the Co-Founder and Medical Director of Adapt Your Life Academy. He is board-certified in internal medicine and obesity medicine and is a past president of the Obesity Medicine Association. He’s the co-author of the bestselling books The New Atkins for a New You and End Your Carb Confusion. At his Keto Medicine Clinic at Duke University, he has helped thousands of patients lose weight and reverse type 2 diabetes and related cardiometabolic diseases through his simple, yet powerful and research-proven “prescription-strength” keto diet.
Dr. Westman regularly presents at international medical conferences and he is respected around the world for his commitment to the science while keeping keto uncomplicated and effective, so that it can be done successfully by people from all walks of life.

Any Questions?
Click the + sign to see what fellow students asked before they enrolled:
Not at all! While the course is specifically intended to help people reverse type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes, the course is a powerful resource packed with educational content for anyone who cares about their health and wants to prevent prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is merely one of many other cardiometabolic problems caused by chronically elevated blood sugar and insulin. Learning a method that reverses this dysregulation can help to improve myriad other issues, such as obesity, hypertension (high blood pressure), polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), acid reflux (GERD), and many more. If you’re a health enthusiast and an avid learner, this course is for you whether or not you have type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. This course is also ideal for loved ones and caregivers of anyone living with type 2 diabetes. What you will learn will help you understand your loved one’s condition more clearly than ever and empower you to provide the best possible support as they proceed along the path to being free of type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes.
This course is laser-focused on type 2 diabetes. Dr. Westman’s teaching is more in-depth specifically about blood sugar regulation and this course covers much more detail about diabetes medications – and how to safely reduce and eliminate them! While you will learn about weight loss, insulin resistance, and other factors related to metabolic health, the main focus of this course is type 2 diabetes – why and how it develops, why the most common complications occur, and what you can do to reverse the condition permanently. You will also learn why the standard or “conventional” way diabetes is currently treated actually makes this condition worse, not better, and why it’s not your fault if you’ve done everything right and have been the “perfect patient,” yet your blood sugar has gotten steadily worse over the years. The food list and guidelines taught in this course are the same as in Keto Made Simple (KMS), but Reverse Type 2 Diabetes is intended for anyone whose primary concern is doing just that – reversing type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes.
It’s never too late to reverse type 2 diabetes! If you’ve been living with this condition for decades (including using insulin for many years or decades), it may take longer for you to see improvements, and some of the damage from the many complications of poorly controlled blood sugar may be permanent, but make no mistake: you can and will still experience dramatic improvements in your blood sugar and your overall health and wellbeing if you follow the program you will learn in this course. Believe in yourself!
Yes! This is one of the best reasons for following a keto diet. (Remember, if you don’t have diabetes anymore, then you don’t need diabetes medicine!) This course includes a guide to finding medical professionals in your local area (or to work with remotely) who are experienced in helping patients implement ketogenic diets and adjust medication safely. Ideally you will work under the supervision of a knowledgeable medical professional, but this course provides generalized guidance on making adjustments in cases where this is not an option, because it is essential that you proceed safely if you must do it yourself.
There’s no shortage of free information online about type 2 diabetes. But much of it is misleading, inaccurate, and dangerous. The standard treatments and conventional “diabetes diets” typically result in worse blood sugar control, weight gain, more medication, and increasingly severe health complications. On the contrary, Dr. Westman’s clinically proven method has helped thousands of people achieve normal blood sugar, reduce and even eliminate medication, and improve a wide array of other cardiometabolic health issues. Don’t entrust your health to uncredentialed “influencers” on social media when you have the opportunity to learn directly from a world expert who has been conducting clinical research, teaching other doctors and medical students, and helping patients reverse type 2 diabetes and transform their lives for over twenty-five years.
No. Exercise is a powerful tool for cardiorespiratory fitness and mental health and it can have a profound impact on overall health, but it is not required for reversing type 2 diabetes. Dr. Westman has helped many patients with limited mobility and permanent disabilities reverse type 2 diabetes solely by following the food list you will get in this course.
Keto is a healthy way to eat at any body weight. Although many people follow a keto diet in order to lose weight, eating this way can also be used to maintain your weight or gain needed healthy weight if you are underweight. What keto really is, is a metabolism-correcting diet. It addresses the underlying physiology at the heart of chronically elevated blood sugar and insulin regardless of your body weight. It is possible to experience dramatic improvements in blood sugar without losing a substantial amount of weight, and if you are already at a healthy weight, you will not lose excessive weight through following a keto diet.
NO. It only progresses and gets worse if your body is exposed to the same things that caused it to develop in the first place. But the moment it is free of these things, your body can begin to restore its natural ability to maintain your blood sugar within normal, healthy levels. Thousands of people have achieved normal blood sugar levels and discontinued all or most of their medication through the research-backed method you will learn in this course.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Since diabetes involves chronically high blood sugar, it’s simply not logical that it would be harmful to stop consuming foods and beverages that raise your blood sugar. Many doctors are operating from an outdated paradigm about diabetes, as well as from confusion between safe, beneficial nutritional ketosis and dangerous ketoacidosis. These conditions both have “keto” in their name, but they are very different. An enormous body of scientific evidence shows the profound beneficial effects of very-low-carb (ketogenic) diets for weight loss, reversing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome (a.k.a. insulin resistance), and improving a wide array of other health issues.
Most people who adopt a keto diet see their cholesterol decrease. In some people, it increases, and in a small subset it increases dramatically. However, elevated cholesterol has never been proven to be the cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The concentration of cholesterol in your bloodstream reveals nothing about whether you have atherosclerosis (“clogged arteries”). Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance are far stronger risk factors for CVD than high cholesterol is. This course provides resources that will teach you how, by reversing type 2 diabetes and correcting metabolic syndrome, keto diets improve cardiovascular disease risk even when your total cholesterol or LDL-cholesterol increases.
Great news – you will have LIFETIME access to the course after it ends. All the written content in your student portal resource library is yours to keep. (You can download and save all the documents to your device and/or print them out to have copies on hand.) The video content is not downloadable, but you can watch the videos as many times as you like – including replays of the live sessions.
Reverse Type 2 Diabetes is a self-paced course, meaning you can go through the lessons as quickly or as gradually as your schedule allows. Regarding your blood sugar, weight loss, or other issues you may be looking to improve, no one can predict exactly how quickly your body will respond. Some people begin to have lower blood sugar on the very first day of starting a ketogenic diet, while for others it takes a bit longer. But rest assured that as long as you are following the plan strictly, you will experience improvement over time.
Dr. Westman cannot provide personalized medical advice, but questions of a general nature about diabetes, ketogenic diets, weight loss, and medication, are welcome at any time. Please work with your own physician or other medical professional, with whom you have an established relationship.
We’re here for you, always. After completing the course, you will have the option to join our subscription membership community for ongoing support and learning. This is an exclusive group that is not available to the general public. It is open only to people who’ve completed this course or our Keto Made Simple course so that everyone is following the same plan and has the same foundation. It is a monthly subscription with no long-term commitment – you may cancel at any time. You will receive more information about the membership toward the end of the course.
Once you join the waitlist, there’s nothing more you need to do until the course opens for enrollment (estimated release in spring 2024). You’ll be notified by email as soon as enrollment opens. During the week of open enrollment, you’ll be invited to purchase the course and you’ll get immediate access to your private student portal so you can start watching the video lessons and access all the course materials right away.
The best time to get healthy was yesterday.
The next best time is today.
The method I’ll teach you in this course is a clear, straightforward blueprint to achieving normal blood sugars for good while being able to reduce or eliminate your diabetes medications… and meds for other conditions, like high blood pressure, acid reflux, and more.
I don’t want you to look back in 6 months or even 6 weeks without knowing that you’re well along your path to being completely free of type 2 diabetes – or maybe you’ll already be there! Can you imagine that? No more diabetes. No more medication, no increasing complications, no more fear for your future, no more worry about missing out on the best in life.
I want you to feel CONFIDENT that YOU are in control of your health destiny. Pills, injections, and diabetes medications don’t get to be in charge – YOU are. Don’t wait another day to turn in a better direction. I welcome you to enroll in the course and I’m thrilled to join you as you embark on this extraordinary journey.
Above all, thank yourself for the life-changing decision you make right now.
– Eric Westman, MD